Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I HATE Mike Heard!!!!!!!!!

Okay, a second post today, but I just have to go there. I HATE Mike Heard (for those of you not from Butte/living in Butte, Mike Heard is KXLF's weatherman. He's been around for years (like since I was in grade school))!!!!! I swear the man is out to make me miserable through all of this.

Let me explain my reasoning here. When I don't have chemo and feel pretty good (relatively speaking, anyway. kind of impossible to feel totally good) we have crappy weather (snow, cold, yuck yuck yuck. I really wouldn't mind rain at this point, honestly!). When I have chemo and feel icky, sleepy, not great, we have nice, great weather. Last Tuesday it was in the 60s (and I was locked away inside the chemo room, sleeping and NOT enjoying the weather, and later on I was sleeping and NOT enjoying the weather). Every day that I have felt like crap warmed over, nice weather, lots of sun, and I'd really love to be outside and sitting on the stairs or something. Days like today, when I feel semi-good (like I said, impossible to feel totally good here. I am being pumped full of icky drugs that are doing great things by killing the little evil cells that made me sick in the first place, but are just plain icky) it's 35 degrees for a high and snowing!!!!!!!! Mother Nature is torturing me here!!! and I think Mike Heard is in on the joke.

So, Tuesday the 21st is the next round of chemo, guess what???? It's supposed to be 65 degrees here and nice. Where will Bridget be? Stuck in windowless chemo room, being pumped full of drugs and NOT enjoying the weather....again. If this keeps up, I will want to personally visit KXLF's studio and hit Mike Heard with his weather forecast. As it is, I want to throw a shoe at him (maybe even the other shoe, too.) Add to this, my mother saw the weather forecast tonight (the one where it said it would be 65 on Tuesday) and started laughing, hysterically. Mean mommy!!!!! She thinks it's hysterical because I noticed the fact that the weather is always nicer on chemo day than when I feel better the last time. The irony, the bitter awful irony. The least the weather could do would be to rain...a lot, and then be nice when I feel less icky, sleepy, awful. Oh well, I guess I'll wear my white tank top (which makes it easier to access my port, anyway, as we found out last time) with my blue lounge pants. That might cheer me up.

However, if the weather gets crappy when I'm feeling better, again, and then gets nice for the May 5th (Ah, Cinco de Mayo, now that I can't celebrate I wish I could.) round of chemo, I am officially calling out a fatwa on Mike Heard (I wonder if it works if you're not Islamic?).

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